Feline pain: Common signs your fur baby is in pain (and how you can help) Cats often hide their discomfort which can make it tricky to identify and address pain in our feline friends. Cats in pain may experience both physical and emotional suffering, making it important to seek veterinary care to address the source…

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Feline Finds: The Purr-suit of Peculiar Collections

Have you ever wondered why your furry feline friend turns into a treasure hunter, proudly presenting you with their latest discoveries? It’s a common kitty quirk that has puzzled pet owners for ages. In this whimsical exploration, we’ll delve into the enchanting world of cat collections and their undeniable urge to share the loot with…

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The Zen Cat

In a world that seems to be constantly buzzing with noise and activity, finding moments of peace and tranquillity can be challenging. Thankfully, there’s a little furry guru right at home who can guide us on the path to mindfulness and meditation – the Zen Cat. Join us as we embark on a quirky journey…

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Mysterious Cat Legends and Superstitions: Unveiling Ancient Beliefs

Cats have always intrigued and fascinated humans with their enigmatic behaviours and graceful presence. Throughout history, cats have been shrouded in legends, superstitions, and beliefs that add to their mysterious allure. From ancient civilisations to modern times, these furry creatures have captured our imagination in various ways. In this blog, we will take you on…

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The Art of Redirecting Your Cat’s Scratching Instinct

Cats are fascinating creatures, full of energy, curiosity, and an innate need to scratch. Unfortunately, this natural behaviour often leads to scratched furniture, leaving cat owners frustrated and their homes in disarray. However, the good news is that with a little patience and the right approach, you can redirect your feline friend’s scratching instincts and…

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