• High Five: Teach your dog to give you a high five by gently lifting their paw and saying “high five” while rewarding them with a treat or praise.
• Spin: Encourage your dog to spin in a circle by using a treat as a lure. Start by holding the treat close to their nose and guide them in a circular motion, saying “spin” as they turn. Reward them when they complete the spin.
• Play Dead: Teach your dog to play dead by having them lie down on their side and gently guiding their body down while saying “play dead” or using a hand gesture. Reward them with treats and praise for staying in that position.
• Roll Over: Start by having your dog lie down and then hold a treat near their nose, moving it in a circular motion towards their shoulder. This should encourage them to roll over onto their back. Use the command “roll over” and reward them when they complete the trick.
• Shake Hands: Hold out your hand and say “shake” while gently lifting your dog’s paw. Reward them with a treat or praise when they offer their paw for a shake.
• Crawl: Have your dog start in a down position and hold a treat near the ground, slowly moving it forward. Encourage them to crawl towards the treat while saying “crawl.” Reward them for making progress and eventually reaching the treat.
• Find It: Hide treats or toys around the house or in the yard and say “find it” to encourage your dog to use their sense of smell to locate them. Start with easy hiding spots and gradually make it more challenging.
• Balance a Treat: Teach your dog to balance a treat on their nose by placing the treat on their nose and saying “wait” or using a hand signal. Once they are comfortable, give the command “okay” to release the treat and let them catch it in the air or by flicking it off their nose. If your dog is already familiar with the command “stay” then it would make it super easy for them to learn this trick.
• Agility Tricks: Set up an agility course in your backyard or a park and teach your dog to go through tunnels, jump over hurdles, and weave through poles. Use treats and positive reinforcement to encourage them to complete the obstacles.

Remember to be patient and use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats, praise, and play, to reward your dog’s efforts. Keep training sessions short, frequent, and fun, and always tailor the tricks to your dog’s abilities and physical limitations.