Living in a multi-cat household can be a rewarding experience, but it’s not uncommon for one cat to become possessive or jealous when attention is divided among multiple feline friends. According to a report done in 2022 called Pets in Australia where they discuss pet ownership in Australia, they found that there is an estimated 28.7 million pets around 6.9 million households.


If you find yourself in the predicament of managing a cat who doesn’t appreciate their housemates, fret not! Here are some tips to help you maintain harmony and ensure all your feline companions feel loved.

  1. Establish a routine: Cats thrive on routine, and establishing a consistent daily schedule can help alleviate jealousy. Spend quality one-on-one time with each cat at specific times, ensuring they feel secure and cherished.
  2. Rotate toys: Cats can be territorial about their belongings. To avoid conflicts, rotate toys among your cats so they all get a chance to play with their favourite items. This can also prevent one cat from feeling neglected or possessive over a particular toy.
  3. Separate feeding stations: Mealtime is a significant event for cats, and competition for food can lead to tension. Create separate feeding stations to prevent any squabbles over meals. This ensures each cat can eat peacefully without feeling threatened by others.
  4. Enrichment activities: Keep your cats mentally stimulated and physically active with enrichment activities. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and climbing structures can distract them from potential feelings of rivalry, redirecting their focus on enjoyable pastimes.
  5. Positive reinforcement: Reward good behaviour with positive reinforcement. If your cats are co-existing peacefully, offer treats or affection to encourage this harmonious interaction. This will create positive associations with sharing your attention.
  6. Neutralising scents: Introduce neutral scents to all your cats, such as drying them with the same towel. This helps to diminish individual scents, potentially reducing territorial behaviour.
  7. Provide adequate resources: Ensure there are enough resources in your home for all your cats, such as litter boxes, scratching posts, and cosy spots. A lack of resources can lead to competition and territorial disputes.
  8. Consult a veterinarian for advice: If your cat’s jealousy seems excessive or if they exhibit signs of stress or aggression, consult with your local vet. Underlying health issues or behavioural problems might be contributing to their behaviour.

Successfully managing several cats under the one roof requires patience, understanding and a commitment to fostering a positive environment. By using these tips in your daily routine, you can help ensure that each of your feline companions feels loved and secure in their shared home.