Puppy Guide
Handy hints and tips for your new furry friend.
Desex at 6 months of age. In females it greatly reduces the risk of mammary tumours, womb infections and false pregnancies. In Males, it reduces the risk of prostate / testicular problems and the likelihood of roaming.
Dental Care
Encourage chewing at an early age, i.e. dental chews, large raw bones, and hard dry food. Also, try brushing your puppy’s teeth regularly.
Feed a complete and balanced commercial puppy food 3 to 4 times daily until 6 months, and then 1 to 2 daily from 6 months. An equivalent adult diet can be introduced around 9-12 months.
House Training
Repetition is the key. As soon as your puppy wakes up and after it eats, take your puppy outside. Reward them if they go to the toilet outside. And you catch them soiling inside, say NO and take them outside straight away.
Develop a routine with your puppy and ensure they meet a variety of people from a young age. Once your puppy is vaccinated, they can meet new dogs. Puppy preschool is one of the best ways to socialise your puppy.
Grooming and Washing
Groom regularly to avoid matting, and bath using a shampoo recommended for puppies.
Vaccinate against Parvovirus, Distemper, Hepatitis, Bordetella and Parainfluenza.
Begin at 6 – 8 weeks (C3), repeat at 12 weeks (C5) and at 16 weeks (C5). An annual booster (C5) for life will keep your puppy vaccinated.
Use an intestinal wormer at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks of age. Repeat monthly until 6 months and ever 3 months thereafter. Begin a heartworm treatment at 6-8 weeks of age and continue every month.
Flea Control
Treat your puppy monthly with an effective product. Remember to always treat the environment. Eggs remain on bedding, couches, carpets, etc..